Black and white photograph of A. J. Davis, wife Janet, and two young chilren presumed to be Elizabeth and Hubbard. Picture was taken in 1916 in Norfolk, VA.
Document theorizing that A. J. Davis's brother, Joseph Wolff Davis, had more than one child. The author does not have concrete proof at the time of writing.
Color photograph of the A. J. Davis house at Cape Hatteras accompanied by a color photograph of a man and a woman, both unidentified. This copy has text edited onto the picture of the house that reads "Hatteras Weather Station Originally Built 1900"
Collection of pictures presumably put together by A. J. Davis, including but not limited to photographs of Native Americans, landscapes, and children's drawings.
House from the late nineteenth century in one of the region's most popular house forms of the period. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit…