Diary of Olivia Tutwiler (later Olivia Tutwiler Hill), a young teacher living in Blacksburg and Childress, Virginia, in 1919. The focus is primarily on a crush that Tutwiler had on a Virginia Tech cadet, but entries also chronicle an active social…
A handwritten letter from Scott Russell Hoerman. The cover has a big VT drawn on it with stripes. The inside expresses sympathy and condolences to VT students.
The high school diary of Art League of Philadelphia member Elsa Marie Rupp Hofheinz from 1928. Elsa Hofheinz later became Art League secretary in 1944. Her diary details her comments on fashion, her experiences learning to drive, her daily activities…
Holliday's diaries, the first covering 1 May through 8 August 1864 and the second covering 1 September 1864 through 4 July 1865, begin with the regiment's entry into Virginia's New River Valley and conclude with his return to Ohio at the conclusion…