A letter from the House of Representatives expressing sympathy for the loss of Jimmie. He says that in the memory of her son throughout America will stregthen, inspire, and give her courage.
A letter expressing sympathy for the loss of Jimmie. This letter was dated wrong. The postmark is for July 8, 1944, so more than likely the letter was written on July 6, 1944. A letter expressing sympathy for the loss of Jimmie.
A letter expressing sympathy for the loss of Jimmie. Henry recalls a time when he and Jimmie were sitting in the train station in Charlottesville when he promised to take care of Mrs. Monteith for Jimmie.
A membership card from the alumni association at Virginia Polytechnic Institute acknowledging Mrs. Monteith's donation to the Alumni Fund in memory of her husband and her two sons, Jimmie and Robert.
A letter from the Richmond Archers notifying Mrs. Monteith that they will hold the annual Bob Monteith Memorial Tournament on May 21, 1961. They extend an invitation to Mrs. Monteith and her family.
A letter from the Richmond Archers notifying Mrs. Monteith that they will hold the annual Bob Monteith Memorial Tournament on May 17, 1959. They extend an invitation to Mrs. Monteith and her family. Directions are written on the back.
A letter from the Headquarters United States Army Infantry Center in Fort Benning, GA informing Mrs. Monteith that a court on the Reservation was named after Jimmie.
A letter from the Alumni Association of Virginia Polytechnic Institute regarding Mrs. Monteith donation in memory of Robert P. Monteith. Also, he expressed his sympathy for the loss of Robert.
A letter from the Commonwealth of Virginia's World War II Memorial Commission notifying her that the Memorial will be completed in about a year. He is inviting her ahead of time to the dedication ceremony as a Guest of Honor.
A letter from Virginia Polytechnic Institute notifying Mrs. Monteith that the school is planning a Memorial service to honor Techmen who died in World War II. They are inviting her and will present her with an engraved certificate honoroing Jimmie's…
A letter from the Post Special Services at Fort McClellan informing Mrs. Monteith of the programs that take place in the Monteith Ampitheater. The letter has two programsencclosed.
A letter from the Post Special Services at Fort McClellan notifying Mrs. Monteith that they received the negative of Jimmie and they will enlarge it and frame it in their office. The letter has four pictures enclosed including photos of Jimmie, his…
A letter from Virginia Polytechnic Institute expressing sympathy for the loss of Jimmie and express pride over Jimmie receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Jimmie describes the spring. He watches the birds build their nests. He mentions how some people he knows have been to New Caledonia and there isn't much there. He concludes his letter by saying that he hopes the girls will be spending time in the…
Jimmie tells his mother that he wishes she could get more gas so that she could come and go as often as she wants. He tells her that he is doing fine and that they should take care of themselves.
Jimmie tells his mother that he is sending a little silver box from a lady he met. He says that he hopes his mother and Nancy are planning to spend the summer at the farm.