One-story frame house on Lee street, an example of a typical regional dwelling in Blacksburg. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Bandy House on Lee Street. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Bank of Blacksburg built in 1942. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Bank of Blacksburg built in 1920. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Built in 1950 to update existing building stock in Blacksburg. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
One view of an orange, paper banner with a large Hokie bird, another view of a blue, paper banner with more than a dozen HokieBbirds and a final view of an orange, paper banner with signatures and messages