"Cooking Recipes" Recipe Book (Ms2008-023)

Dublin Core


"Cooking Recipes" Recipe Book (Ms2008-023)


Cooking Recipes is a book filled with hand-written recipes. A hand-painted image of a girl with a duck adorns the cover of "Cooking Recipes." Within the book's pages exist a variety of recipes for soups, salads, puddings, cookies, cakes, icings, and biscuits. A personal note from "Helena" precedes the recipes. In this note, "Helena" thanks the unknown receiver, "Girlie," for participating in her wedding. "Helena" also reinforces the notion that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. No information exists on the recipe book's time period or the geographic location from which it was produced. From the book's appearance, one can surmise that it dates from around the 1930s.
Due to the lack of provided surnames, no biographical information exists on the recipe book's bestower, "Helena," or its receiver, "Girlie."


Recipe book containing hand-written recipes for soups, salads, puddings, cookies, cakes, icings, and biscuits. Date, location, and full author name remain unknown.





Bibliographic Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: "Cooking Recipes" Recipe Book, Ms2008-024 - Special Collections, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.