Military Order, No 8: Regarding Movement of Companies, Signed JA Early, Col. Commanding, May 25, 1861 (Ms1992-003)

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Military Order, No 8: Regarding Movement of Companies, Signed JA Early, Col. Commanding, May 25, 1861 (Ms1992-003)


Head Quarters, Va. Volunteers, Order No. 8, Instructions that Capt. Jordan's and Hughes' companies are no longer attached to Col. Robert Preston's regiment and must move to Richmond by railroad. Capt. Kent's and Capt. Williams' companies will move in place of the two listed above. Also included are instructions for Robert Preston to move troops to Manassas Junction. Miles Baxton of Capt. Williams company is to be discharged from service and stricken from rolls. By order of JA Early, Col. Commanding, May 25, 1861.





Bibliographic Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Robert Taylor Preston Papers, Ms1992-003, Special Collections, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va.