Women in the Corps of Cadets
Significant Dates for Women in the Corps of Cadets at Virginia Tech
- 1959 - Commissioning of Patricia Ann Miller
- 1973 - First Women to Join the Corps of Cadets Form the L Squadron
- 1977 - Marilyn Helmeyer is the first woman in the Highty Tighties
- 1987 - Denise Shuster (IS '88) earns the Corps' highest rank of regimental commander
- 1987 - CPT Debbie Cheslow (AOE '87) is the first Virginia Tech female to become an Air Force pilot
- 1922 - Lori Keck (LASC '92) becomes the regimental band's first female drum major
Original "L" Squadron
- Deborah Noss Ayers - 1rst Commander
- Cheryl Butler McDonald - 2nd Commander
- Laurel O'Conner Harris
- Sue Minor
- Diane Wheeler Benroth
- Ginnie Anthony Alumbaugh
- Shirley Burnette Sypolt
- Emily Pillsbury Davis - 3rd Commander
- Fran Hart
- Kim Pogue Snider
- Mary Gallagher Bird
- Paula Kahle Curle
- Lesley Nelson Henneberger
- Virginia Ligon Vroegop
- Caryl Christian
- Lisa Lahler Coulter
- Marilyn Helmeyer Hamilton
- Janet James Escobido - 4th Commander
- Katherine Buckles
- Barbara Jesse Aldridge
- Beckie Foy Morrissey
- Jeannie Waldrop
- Pam Kelly Jenkins
- Debra Boozer
Joined In Mid-Stream
- Nancy Bishop
- Cyndi Williams
- De Dodson Morris
- Maureen Kirby Leister
- Bobbi Brown Samples
- Meg Guerrin Birdseye
- Jodie Hoff
- Kristy Haught
Women in the Corps of Cadets Digital Materials
- Virginia Tech Female Cadets Scrapbook
- Oral History Interview with Cheryl Butler MacDonald, "L" Squadron Commander in 1974-1975
- Emily Pillsbury Davis transcript, "L" Squadron Commander in 1975-1976
- "L" Squadron photographs, c.1973-1979
- "Formal Versus Informal Power in "L" Squadron: How, Why, and a Possible Solution to the Problem," c.1976
- "Corps Life Challenging for First Women," 1996
- "Women in Blue and Gray: More Than Two Decades of Women in the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets," c.1996
- "More than a few good women: 25th class of females enter corps," 1999
- The History of Women at Virginia Tech digital project also includes resources relating to the history of women's roles in the Corps of Cadets