Notes for a talk given by Miss Mary Apperson at Blacksburg High School in 1944 as reprinted in the Montgomery News Messenger Bicentennial Edition, July 1, 1976.
Volume 31, number 7 of Spectrum, a magazine published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This issue is titled "The Moon Landing: a 25th Anniversary Perspective."
Published by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology and NASA, this report documents the findings of the Ad Hoc Mars Airplane Science Working Group, which was formed in 1978 to assess the possibility of a remotely…
Willliam H. Phillips' copy of the review of the stabilization and control of the lunar module during approach and landing. The request for a review was directed at Phillips, but other engineers at the Langley Research Center also contributed.
The manual, written in 1660 by Agostino Mandirola, is in Italian and it is split into three different sections. The sections are dedicated to teaching the audience how to cultivate, multiply, and conserve various types of plants. This work focuses on…
A report written by Dr. Bruce C. Murray, presented at the Western Meeting of the American Rocket Society, in Los Angeles, California, in May 1960. This was included in Herrick's subject files.
NASA Educational Brief #1002, titled "Nutrition in Space: Project Gemini," which provides information about meals given to astronauts while in space. Attached is NASA Educational Brief #10004, "Gemini Spacesuits," which details the parts of an…
A small booklet containing payload flight assignments for NASA's mixed fleet as of February 1991. "Avitabile" is written in ink on the front cover, indicating that this was his copy.