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  • Subject is exactly "Post office buildings"

Picture of a street corner, Elletts drugstore is the focus with the postoffice being in the background. people mill about and a car is parked infront of Elletts.

Men stand on the porch of the first Post Office in Blacksburg

Newport Post Office: one story brick building built in 1996

Valerie Dow Scott was born in 1904, and she grew up in Montgomery County, Virginia. Scott’s parents--the Dow family--sent Valerie to high school in Nottoway County, Virginia. After completing her education there, Scott worked as a teacher, briefly,…

Business men & children posing on the front steps and balcony of the Post Office and Hack Depot in Blacksburg, VA

Two men stand on a crane while working on the construction of a loading platform for the Post Office in Blacksburg, VA
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