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E-15 Impressions of a University.mp4
Views of academic and recreational activities at Virginia Tech and the surrounding countryside.

The first volume of the Tin Horn, the yearbook for and by the female students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Early women students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) were not allowed to be inThe Bugleyearbook. For several years after they…

The fourth and final volume of the Tin Horn, the yearbook for and by the female students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Early women students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) were not allowed to be inThe Bugleyearbook. For several years…

The letter is from Mildred Tate to Mrs. Gillette inviting her to a dinner at Hillcrest, the women's dormitory at Virginia Tech, held by Mrs. White on September 11, 1940.

Portrait of Yvonne Rohran Tung from the 1950 Bugle

Ella Agnew and Maude Wallace were home demonstration agents for Virginia Cooperative Extension and Mrs. Mary Moore Davis served as professor of the home economics department at Virginia Tech.

Photo of Linda Adams, the first African American woman to graduate from Virginia Tech, from the 1968 Bugle

The 1959 Commencement Film depicts part of the 1959 graduation and commissioning ceremony.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Born Feb. 13, 1857, in Concord, North Carolina, son of Confederate Gen. Rufus Barringer and grandson of Gen. Paul B. Barringer, leader in War of 1812. Early education at Bingham School near Asheville, North Carolina, and at Kenmore University School,…

Born Aug. 16, 1876, in Richmond, son of Woodson Cheadle and Cora Emmett McDowell Burruss. Entered VAMC in fall 1894 and received B.S. in civil engineering in 1898. As a student, was editor of 1898 Bugle, captain of Battery E, and active in other…

Born Nov. 13, 1867, in Prince Edward County, Virginia. Attended Prince Edward Academy and Hampden-Sydney College, where he received the A.B. in 1886 and later the A.M. degree. Married Julia Johnson of Farmville; had one son and one daughter. Taught…

Photograph of T. Marshall Hahn, Jr., with a pdf of his inaugural address given in 1963. The address was captured from the original 125th anniversary website.

Born Jan. 13, 1886, near Charlotte Court House, Virginia. Received B.S. from VPI in 1909, honorary D.Sci. from Clemson in 1937, and honorary D.Agric. from North Carolina State College in 1947. Married Eleanor Parrott of Blacksburg in 1917; had two…

Born July 20, 1895, in Woodstock Virginia, son of WaIter Hickman and Sallie Bird Stephenson Newman. Attended Shenandoah County schools. Received A.B. at Hampden-Sydney, 1917; M.S., VPI, 1919; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State, 1931; and honorary LL.D. from…

This item includes pdfs of biographies of university presidents, captured from the original anniversary website. Most biographies were compiled from

Born Oct. 13, 1931, in Staten Island, N.Y. Received B.S. in industrial engineering from LeHigh University in 1953, M.S. in industrial engineering from Ohio State University in 1956, and Ph.D. from Ohio State University in 1959. Married Dorothea…

Born June 16, 1947, in Richmond, Va. Received a professional bachelor of architecture degree in 1970, master of architecture in 1971, and Ph.D. in environmental science and engineering in 1978, all from Virginia Tech. Married Janet Grey Baird from…

Born Nov. 20, 1930, in Geneseo, New York. Received associate degree, State University of New York-Morrisville, 1950; bachelor's degree from Michigan State University, 1953; master's in public administration, George Washington University, 1959;…

Born Dec. 23, 1928, in Pritchard, West Virginia. Received bachelor’s degree at West Virginia University, 1951; master’s in 1960 and Ph. D. in education in 1962, both from Ohio State University. Married Adele Stoltz of Gouverneur, N. Y., on May 10,…

V.A.M.C. Football Team, 1893. Back: Friend, Charles Thomas; Robinson, John William; Martin, Tarpley Douglas; Bond, Frank Eugene; (l to r). Front: Guignard, Christopher Gadsden; Kerfoot, Edward Judson; Patrick,Nerbon Robert; Sayers, Henry Davis;…

V.A.M.C. Football Team, 1892. The first "Tech" Football Team. Coached and Managed by Prof. E.A. Smyth, Jr. Back row (l to r): Minor, William Howe; Guignard, Christopher Gadsden; Lancaster, Leslie Helm; Professor E.A. Smyth, Jr, Coach and Manager;…

List of students attending VAMC in 1872-1873, including name and home county

PDF version of the interactive timeline in the 125th Anniversary digital exhibit. This version was made from the original site and developed for ease of search. Links in the document have been updated to reflect the new location of digital resources.…

The second volume of the Tin Horn, the yearbook for and by the female students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Early women students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) were not allowed to be in The Bugle yearbook. For several years after…

The third volume of the Tin Horn, the yearbook for and by the female students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Early women students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) were not allowed to be in The Bugle yearbook. For several years after…

This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from the original 125th Anniversary digital exhibit.

This text is taken from the 1929 Tin Horn, the women's yearbook, including a description of a life for women students on campus. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from the original 125th Anniversary digital exhibit.
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