Photograph and inaugural address of T. Marshall Hahn, Jr.

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Photograph and inaugural address of T. Marshall Hahn, Jr.


Photograph of T. Marshall Hahn, Jr., with a pdf of his inaugural address given in 1963. The address was captured from the original 125th anniversary website.
Born Dec. 2, 1926, in Lexington, Ky. Attended Lexington, Ky., public schools. Received B.S. degree in physics "with highest honors" from University of Kentucky in 1945 at age 18 and Ph.D. degree in physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1950 at age 23. Was lecturer in physics at U.S. Naval Academy Preparatory School while serving in Navy. Was also physicist, Naval Ordnance Laboratory, 1946-47; teaching fellow, M.I.T., 1947-48; research assistant M.I.T., 1948-50; associate professor of physics, University of Kentucky, 1950-52; professor, director of graduate study in physics, and director of nuclear accelerator laboratories at Kentucky, 1952-54; professor and head of physics, V.P.I., 1954-59; dean of arts and sciences, Kansas State, 1959-62. Has also served as physicist, North American Phillips Co.; as research participant, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; and as consultant for large corporations. Is author of numerous scientific papers. Has served as president, Southern Association of State Universities; member of Board of Visitors, Air University; member of Academic Affairs Commission, American Council on Education; member of Board of Visitors, Ferrum Junior College; member, Governor's Commission on the Status of Women; chairman, Virginia Metropolitan Areas Study Commission; director of several businesses. Named "Virginia's Outstanding Citizen" in 1965 by Toastmaster's International; received "Distinguished Alumni Centennial Award" in 1965 from University of Kentucky; received Virginia Citizens Planning Association Award in 1970. Married Margaret Louise Lee of Dinwiddle County, Va. Has one son and two daughters (Bill, Betty, Anne). Assumed presidency of V.P.I. on July 1, 1962, at age 35, the youngest president in Tech's history. Inaugurated April 4, 1963.


Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech




Bibliographic Citation

[item], Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.