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Santa Claus
Santa Claus
Sansone e Dalila
Sandy Bosworth, Doug Seaman, Aaron Purcell (l to r)
Sandy Bosworth, Doug Seaman, Aaron Purcell (l to r)
Sandy Bosworth, Doug Seaman (l to r)
Sandy Bosworth, Doug Seaman (l to r)
Sandy Bosworth, Doug Seaman (l to r)
Sandy Bosworth, Doug Seaman (l to r)
Sandy Bosworth, Doug Seaman (l to r)
Sandy Bosworth, Doug Seaman (l to r)
Sandy Bosworth
Sandy Bosworth
Sandy Bosworth
Sandy Bosworth
Sandy Berry
Sandra Stiner Lowe, Board of Visitors, 2003-2004
Sandra Jane and Clarence Duke Reynolds. House. Built in 1975.
Two-story barn-style home. Owned by Sandra Jane & Clarence Duke Reynolds, built in 1975
Sanding Locomotive at Shauffers Crossing
Sanding Locomotive at Shauffers Crossing
Sanders and Murphy Halls at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Sanders and Murphy Halls at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Sand Cave
Sand Cave
Sanctuary of Christ Episcopal Church, Blacksburg
Sketch of the Sanctuary of Christ Episcopal Church in Blacksburg, VA
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, Blacksburg, Sheet 6
Map of Blacksburg, VA, from the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, Blacksburg, Sheet 5
Map of Blacksburg, VA, from the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, Blacksburg, Sheet 4
Map of Blacksburg, VA, from the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, Blacksburg, Sheet 3
Map of Blacksburg, VA, from the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, Blacksburg, Sheet 2
Map of Blacksburg, VA, from the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, Blacksburg, Sheet 1
Map of Blacksburg, VA, from the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company.
Samuel J. Slover
Samuel J. Slover
Sampson and his Mule, 1899
Samples from the Coal Mines of America
Samples from the Coal Mines of America
Sammy and Sue Reynolds. House. Front view. Built in 1985.
One story house with full basement & front porch. Owned by Sammy & Sue Reynold, built in 1985 *Different house than manufactured home
Sammy and Sue Reynolds. House. Built in 1985. Front, side view.
One-story manufactured home nestled in appalachian hills. Owned by Sammy & Sue Reynolds, built in 1987
Sammy and Sue Reynolds. House. Built in 1985. Front view.
One-story manufactured home nestled in appalachian hills. Owned by Sammy & Sue Reynolds, built in 1986
Sammy and Sue Reynolds. House. Built in 1985.
One-story manufactured home nestled in appalachian hills. Owned by Sammy & Sue Reynolds, built in 1985
Sammy and Sue Reynolds. Barn. Built in 1890.
Distant photo of a two-story wooden barn with detached sheds. Owned by Sammy & Sue Reynolds, built in 1890
SAME, The 1970 Bugle, pg265
Same, at above store
Image of a building at Walkers Creek, Bane, Giles Co., Va.
Same road, Spruce Run Mt. [On road, Newport to Mountain Lake]
Photograph taken of Spruce Run Mt. from the road from Newport to Mountain Lake.
Same road, Doe Mountain [from Newport to Mountain Lake]
Photograph taken of Doe Mountain from the road from Newport to Mountain Lake.
Same Road, 2 miles from Eggleston [Eggleston to Staffordville]
Image on a road from Eggleston to Staffordsville.
Same road, 1 mile from Eggleston [road-Eggleston to Staffordville]
Image on a road from Eggleston to Staffordsville.
Same Road near Mountain Lake {from Newport]
Photograph taken of the landscape from the road from Newport to Mountain Lake.
Same road [On road, Newport to Mountain Lake] Pearisburg in the distance
Photograph taken of Pearisburg from the road from Newport to Mountain Lake.
Same road [On road, Newport to Mountain Lake]
Photograph taken of the landscape from the road from Newport to Mountain Lake.
Same road [Eggleston to Staffordville]
Image on a road from Eggleston to Staffordsville.
Same road [Eggleston to Staffordville]
Image on a road from Eggleston to Staffordsville.
Same Mill, at Francisco
Image of a mill in Craigs Creek, near Francisco P.O.
Same [between Chatham Hill & Fullen''s Mill - Anthony McIntyre]
Photograph taken between Chatham Hill & Fullen's Mill - Anthony McIntyre.
Sam Thompson
Sam Thompson
Sam Meredith Homeplace. Andy Poole. House. Built in 1930.
Sam Meredith Homeplace: One-story brick house with a porch. Built in 1930.
Sam Hill
Sam Hill
Sam Hale
Sam Hale
Sam D. Waples
V.P.I. Alumnus
Sam Bradley. Farmstead. J.C. and Betsy Link. Built in 1890. Back view
Sam Bradely Farmstead: Run-down wooden sheds next to an abandoned truck. Owned by J.C. & Betsy Link, built in 1890
Sam Bradley. Farmstead. J.C. and Betsy Link. Built in 1890.
Sam Bradely Farmstead: Multiple buildings located next to a rolling stream. Owned by J.C. & Betsy Link, built in 1890
Sam Bowen Exits Airplane
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