Memorandum from Executive Assistant to the President and General Council Walter H. Ryland to University President Dr. T. Marshall Hahn, Jr. regarding the Gay Student Alliance, dated June 9, 1971. Included is statement written by Ryland to president…
This is an image of the container used to market Baker's Breakfast Cocoa featuring the iconic "Bella Chocolatiere," or chocolate lady." It comes from ther 1928 cookbook titles "Famous Recipes for Baker's Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa".
This is an image of the container used to market Baker's Breakfast Cocoa featuring the iconic "Bella Chocolatiere," or chocolate lady." It comes from ther 1928 cookbook titles "Famous Recipes for Baker's Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa".
This is an image of the container used to market Baker's Breakfast Cocoa featuring the iconic "Bella Chocolatiere," or chocolate lady." It comes from ther 1928 cookbook titles "Famous Recipes for Baker's Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa".
This is an image of the container used to market Baker's Breakfast Cocoa featuring the iconic "Bella Chocolatiere," or chocolate lady." It comes from ther 1928 cookbook titles "Famous Recipes for Baker's Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa".
This is an image of the container used to market Baker's Breakfast Cocoa featuring the iconic "Bella Chocolatiere," or chocolate lady." It comes from ther 1928 cookbook titles "Famous Recipes for Baker's Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa".
This is the text of an article for Diversity News in 1997 on the first black students at Virginia Tech. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from the original 125th Anniversary digital exhibit. Please note: The Black History…
PDF version of the interactive timeline in the 125th Anniversary digital exhibit. This version was made from the original site and developed for ease of search. Links in the document have been updated to reflect the new location of digital resources.…
This letter was written by Maude E. Wallace of Virginia Agricultural Extension Service, Blacksburg, VA, to Sarah Pitts of George Peabody College, Nashville, TN, on 14 August 1929. Ms. Pitts had been hired to work as an Extension agent, but had not…
This photo by Logan Wallace of VT University Relations taken October 18, 2017, illustrates the game-ball run tradition. Members of the Ranger Company of the Army ROTC program run the homecoming football game ball around the campus for 100 miles,…
This photo by Logan Wallace of VT University Relations shows a class in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences held at Kentland Farm, May 2, 2017.
Front Row (left to right): Cordel L. Faulk; Ashley Francis - Graduate Student Representative; Deborah L. Petrine - Rector; Timothy D. Sands - President; James L. Chapman IV - Vice Rector; William D. "Bill" Fairchild III. Middle Row (left to right):…
A handwritten letter from Haley Walker, a student at Spanishburg Elementary School. The cover has the word "VT" written multiple times. The inside has a positive message that expresses sympathy to VT students. The inside also has drawing of the Hokie…
Notes about the painting from Cheryl (Luna) Robinson, VT Class of 1980, Elementary Education: In New Orleans, a Jazz Funeral includes a Second Line, where mourners do follow the family in parade fashion from the church to the burial site, and the…
An almanac by W.H. Comstock Co. advertising their "Indian Root Pills." The pills are said to be made of vegetables, and are advertised as a cure-all for a variety of illnesses, from "female complaints" to rheumatism to kidney disease.
Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.
Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.
Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.
Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.
Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.
Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.
Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.