The Fries Textile Mill oversaw the local YMCA as well, including the interior design of the building. Here, we see plans for redecorating the public spaces, dated May 24th, 1949.
Red, handwritten sympathy card with an anonymous group posing in VT colors and handwritten comments on the inside. The front page includes the statement "Today We Are All Hokies", undated
This document show the expenses of Cadet Niemeyer during the 1876-1877 academic session. These include various uniform and living items, as well as payment for classes.
Record of invention forms for an automatic aileron trim control device for airplanes. The forms detail when William H. Phillips and H. A. Kuehnel started work on the invention, when it was disclosed to to others, and what the device is used for.
Presumed to be a transcribed page from a book belonging to Albert John Davis. Contains a list of birth, marriages, and deaths in the family. Ranges from Elizabeth Ann Natt, b. 1815 to Delamater, b. 1920.