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Clifford Reynolds. House. Built in 1986.
Clifford Reynolds: Two-story modern house. Owned by Clifford Reynolds. Built in 1986.
Les Nester. House. Built in 1986.
Les Nester: Picture taken through trees of a two-story house. Owned by Les Nester. Built in 1986.
Douglas Wright. House. Built in 1978.
Douglas Wright: One-story modern house. Owned by Douglas Wright. Built in 1978.
Robert and Nancy Maxey.
Robert and Nancy Maxey: One-story brick house. Owned by Robert and Nancy Maxey.
Morris Stowers. House, Built in 1993.
Morris Stowers: Two-story modern white house with a fence around it. Owned by Morris Stowers. Built in 1993.
Brian Atkins. House. Built in 1993.
Brian Atkins: One-story modern house. Owned by Brian Atkins. Built in 1993.
William Cooler. House. Built in 1955.
William Cooler: Picture taken from a distance in a field. Owned by William Cooler. Built in 1955.
McCorskey Homeplace. Millard McCroskey. House. Built in 1971.
McCorskey: One-story modern brick house. Built in 1971.
Fairbell Wysong Homeplace. Evelyn Reed. Built in 1896.
Fairbell Wysong: Two-story house. Built in 1896.
Fairbell Wysong Homeplace. Evelyn Reed. Built in 1896.
Fairbell Wysong: Two-story house. Built in 1896.
John Wysong Place. Jack and Rita Atkins. House. Built in 1983.
John Wysong: One-story modern white brick house. Built in 1983.
John Wysong Place. Arnold Caldwell. House. Built in 1985.
John Wysong: Picture taken from the road of a one-story white house. Built in 1985.
Caldwell Homeplace. Gordon Englebrecht. House. Built in 1876.
Caldwell: Two-story house. Built in 1876.
Willie Williams. House. Shirley Price. Built in 1896.
Willie Williams: Two-story white house with a porch. Built in 1896.
Charlie Harvey. House. Built in 1921.
Charlie Harvey: Two-story house with a fence around it. Owned by Charlie Harvey. Built in 1921.
Richard Williams. Barn. Built in 1911.
Richard Williams: One-story barn. Owned by Richard Williams. Built in 1911.
Gary and Debbie Adkins. House. Built in 1969.
Gary and Debbie Adkins: One-story modern house. Owned by Gary and Debbie Adkins. Built in 1969.
Les Cruise. House. Delmer and Peggy Cruise. Built in 1921.
Les Cruise: Picture taken from the street of a one-story house. Built in 1921.
Bob Lucas Place. Scott and Carole Geller. Built in 1990.
Bob Lucas: Picture taken from the road of a fenced in area. Built in 1990.
Bob Lucas. House. Hampton Sarver. Built in 1896.
Bob Lucas: Two-story white house with a porch. Built in 1896.
Willie Williams Farmstead. Shirley Price. Built in 1896.
Willie Williams: Picture taken from the road of the farmstead. Built in 1896.
Bill and Midge Coleman. House. Built in 1973.
Bill and Midge Coleman: Two-story modern house. Owned by Bill and Midge Coleman. Built in 1973.
Harve Lucas. House. Dallas and Mary Ross.
Harve Lucas: Two-story white house with a porch.
E. L Lucas. House. Shannon and Elizabeth Lucas. Built in 1838.
E. L. Lucas: Side view. Two-story white house with two decks. Built in 1838.
E. L Lucas. House. Shannon and Elizabeth Lucas. Built in 1838.
E. L. Lucas: Two-story white house with two decks. Built in 1838.
E. L. Lucas. Barn. Louise Harvey. Built in 1863.
E. L. Lucas: One- story, run down, barn. Built in 1863.
Caudill and Ruth Lucas. House. Built in 1946.
Caudill and Ruth Lucas: One-story white house, with porch and a garage in the background. Owned by Caudill and Ruth Lucas. Built in 1946.
Jeff and Sheila Collins. House. Built in 1992.
Jeff and Shelia Collins: Two-story house with a deck. Owned by Jeff and Sheila Collins. Built in 1992.
E. L. Lucas Farmstead. Shannon Lucas. Built in 1838.
E. L. Lucas: Small, one-story, farmstead with fields around it. Built in 1838.
Jack and Louise Harvey. House. Built in 1966.
Jack and Louise Harvey: One-story white house with a porch. Owned by Jack and Louise Harvey. Built in 1966.
Sherman and Angie Harvey. House. Built in 1985
Sherman and Angie Harvey: House with a porch. Owned by Sherman and Angie Harvey. Built in 1985.
Willams Cemetery
Piture taken of the Williams Cemtery.
Ward Williams. House. Christine Epperly. Built in 1933.
Ward Williams: One-story house. Built in 1933.
Raymond and Christine Epperly. House. Built in 1959.
Raymond and Christine Epperly: One-story house. Owned by Raymond and Christine Epperly. Built in 1959.
Bill Williams. Barn. Louise Harvey. Built in 1906. S. Price farmstead in background.
Bill Williams: Barn with fields around it, S. Price farmstead is pictured in the background. Built in 1906.
Bill Williams. House. Louise Harvey. Built in 1930.
Bill Williams: One-story white house. Built in 1930.
Nelson and Janice Hypes. House. Built in 1956.
Nelson and Janice Hypes: One-story white house. Owned by Nelson and Janice Hypes. Built in 1956.
Alvin and Valerie Jones. House. Built in 1986.
Alvin and Valerie Jones: One-story white house with a porch attached. Owned by Alvin and Valerie Jones. Built in 1986.
Byron Porterfiel. Buggy, Shed, Cellar, and Granery. Kathleen Lucas. Built in 1896.
Byron Porterfield: Buggy, Shed, Cellar and Granery. Built in 1896.
Byron Porterfiel. Buggy, Shed, Cellar, and Granery. Kathleen Lucas. Built in 1896.
Byron Porterfield: Buggy, Shed, Cellar and Granery. Built in 1896.
Johnson Lucas. House. Kathleen Lucas. Built in 1906.
Johnson Lucas: Modern white house with a fence around it. Built in 1906.
Eddie and Beulah Epling. House. Built in 1973.
Eddie and Beulah Epling: One-story modern house with fields around it. Owned by Eddie and Beulah Epling. Built in 1973.
David and Doris Link. Built in 1959.
David and Doris Link: Modern house. Owned by David and Doris Link. Built in 1959.
Marjorie Lucas. Barn. Built in 1846.
Marjorie Lucas: Barn with a field near it. Owned by Marjorie Lucas. Built in 1846.
Mary Alice Lucas. House. Marjorie Lucas. Built in 1896.
Mary Alice Lucas: Two-story white house with a front porch. Built in 1896.
Don and Martha Lucas. House. Built in 1968.
Don and Martha Lucas: Two-story modern house with two decks attached. Owned by Don and Martha Lucas. Built in 1968.
Alan and Martha Pratt. Barn. Built in 1956.
Alan and Martha Pratt: Barn with an open area with a roof attachted to the side. Owned by Alan and Martha Pratt. Built in 1956.
Alan and Martha Pratt. House. Built in 1981.
Alan and Martha Pratt: one-story house with a field around it. Owned by Alan and Martha Pratt, built in 1981.
Jim Breen Farmstead. Cathy Walters. Built in 1900.
Jim Breen Farmstead: two-story white house from a distance surronded by fields. Owned by Cathy Walters, built in 1900
Jim Breen Barn. Cathy Walters. Built in 1890.
Jim Breen: Crumbling log barn with no roof. Owned by Cathy Walters, built in 1890
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