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Diagram of Furnace Showing Proper Method of Firing With High Volatile Coal

Diagramatical Arrangement of Pulverized Coal Heavy Forging Furnaces, Smith Shop, Roanoke, Virginia

Smithey drawing of a longitudinal section of the proposed theatre for Plank and Whitsett, to be located at Blacksburg, VA.
Faculty Staff Awards Dinner 2013, Charles Steger, Diane Walker-Green

The diary of Alva Cleveland, a 57-year-old soldier who served as an orderly with the 1st Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry. The diary covers March to July 1862 while Cleveland's regiment was stationed around Nashville, Tennessee, and in northern Alabama.…

The 1864 leather bound, preprinted diary contains two daily entries per page with cash accounts and notes sections in the back of the diary. In 1864 Benjamin M. Peck was the Captain of Company B in the 141st Regiment PA Volunteers. Due to absences,…

The 1865 leather bound, preprinted, pocket diary contains one entry per day with cash accounts and notes listed in the back of the book. This diary continues with the 141st PA Volunteers camped outside of Petersburg in their winter quarters and…

Bushee's diary is an account of his duties and the movements of Company E, 112 th Regiment, New York Infantry, from January to mid-November of 1863. Each entry begins with the phrase "1 day for Uncle Sam" and in the cash accounts in the back of the…

This is the diary of Charles O. Poland, a private in Company B, 142nd Ohio Infantry (National Guard) during the Civil War, was a resident of Knox County, Ohio. Born around 1836, he was the husband of Angeline Disney (daughter of William A. and Mary…

Christian Hook was a Union Corporal in 151st Ohio Infantry (National Guard) during the Civil War. The collection contains his diary of May to August 1864, including entries on camp life and a near-court martial, as well as a reunion flyer for the…

The Civil War diary of Captain Daniel A. Lowber of Company A, 37th Wisconsin Infantry. The diary entries commence with July 25, 1864, with Lowber apparently in transit to his regiment after a temporary furlough. He joins the regiment the day after…

The high school diary of Art League of Philadelphia member Elsa Marie Rupp Hofheinz from 1928. Elsa Hofheinz later became Art League secretary in 1944. Her diary details her comments on fashion, her experiences learning to drive, her daily activities…

Enoch Stephens's diary from his time in the 5th NY Veteran Volunteers from January 1st, 1865 to December 26th, 1865. Most entries describe the weather and the time of daily drills and dress parades, but the diary also documents such events as the…

Civil War diary of George H. Marshall, a soldier in Company K, 113th Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery during the Civil War. The diary contains short entries spanning one year, beginning with Marshall's enlistment on February 24, 1864. The diary's early…

The diary of Private Henry L. Burnell, Co. "I," 8th Maine Volunteer Infantry, 1859 - 1865. Burnell served in the Union Army from September 7, 1861 until July 22, 1865. Burnell's journal is written in short, often one-line, entries. The war-date…

This collection contains the Civil War diary of Corporal John R. Maybury of Company L, 10th New York Cavalry. The first entry in the diary (January 1, 1864) finds Maybury encamped in northern Virginia and describing routines of camp life (drilling,…

Diary written by Marcus B. Warner in 1864. The diary is written in a green Allings & Cory pocket diary. In addition to describing his life as a soldier, Warner also chronicles his previous civilian life and the Union army recruitment process. Writing…

The Civil War diary of Private Merritt Hager Smith of Company G, 97th New York Infantry, a member of the regimental band. The diary entries span the entire year of 1863. The first entry finds Smith receiving orders to proceed to Belle Plain Landing,…
Milton S. Koontz's Diary from March 1865 to May 1865. Primarily details the movements and actions of Koontz and his fellow troops.
Milton S. Koontz's Diary from the dates June 10, 1863 to December 31, 1863. Focuses primarily on the military related actions of each day

This collection contains the diary of Otis Dean, a private in Company E, 56th Massachusetts Infantry during the Civil War. The diary entries begin with January 4, 1865, with Dean listing the uniform and materials issued to him in camp. In very…

The Civil War diary of Richard Colburn, an enlisted soldier of the 12th Infantry of the United States Regular Army attached to the Army of the Potomac. The diary contains entries from December 18, 1861 to February 17, 1863 and details camp life,…

Union soldier in the 5th U.S. Artillery, Battery I, during the Civil War. Papers include a diary written between January and May 1865, while stationed in New York and Virginia. Participated in the occupation of Petersburg, Virginia, in April 1865.…

Leonard's diary begins in August 1864, apparently when he was appointed to drive an ambulance. His entries are short and refer mostly to his daily activities: who or what he was conveying to and from the hospital at City Point outside Petersburg;…

Babcock's Civil War diary begins near Washington, D.C., where his company had been since June 1863. While at Fort Carroll, his entries largely contain descriptions of his duties in camp (drills and guard, police, or orderly duties), as well as rare…

Diesel Engine 1002 Pulling Passenger Train

Diesel Engine 1111, Class 628

Diesel Engine 1111, Class 628

Diesel Engine 1134

Diesel Engine 1134

Diesel Engine 126, Class DE-5

Diesel Engine 126, Class DE-5

Diesel Engine 1645

Diesel Engine 1736

Diesel Engine 315 near Switchback, West Virginia

Diesel Engine 315 near Switchback, West Virginia

Diesel Engine 501 near Rocky Mount, Virginia

Diesel Engine 509 along New River

Diesel Engine 509 near New River, Appalachia

Diesel Engine 515, Class EMD GP9

Diesel Engine 515, Class EMD-GP9

Diesel Engine 528, Class LP30

Diesel Engine 645 at Slathill Tunnel

Diesel Engine 839 near Maybeury, West Virginia

Diesel Engine 859 and Coal Train at Haverhill, Ohio

Diesel engine 859 pulling coal train near Haverhill, Ohio

Diesel Engine 97
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