Letter from Anthony V. Bardo to Megan L. Armbruster, Recovery Coordinator, Virginia Tech Office of Recovery & Support, regarding the song "33 Gone" written by Bardo and performed by The Fabulous Dialtones in response to the April 16, 2007 shootings.
Letter written by James and Jehu Barnard of Patrick County, Virginia to their parents. Both were members of Company K, 50th Virginia Infantry. Written from camp at Orange Court House, Virginia, March 29th, 1864. Letter shares news of stoppage of…
A list of free Negroes and Mulattoes, compiled by James Barnett, district commissioner of revenue, Montgomery County, Virginia. The list includes places of residence of the free persons as well as a brief job description for each. The list divides…
A diary with one-page entries for the year of 1862. A few pages of memoranda follow on which Barnett has listed miscellaneous clothing expenses and his pay record for the year. The diary describes his time in hospital in January and February, as well…
The collection consists of a letter by Ansil T. Bartlett to his father, dated April 15, 1865. Written from Camp Farmville, Virginia, the letter mentions soldiers stealing good from nearby homes, daily tasks, war rumors, and Bartlett's hope to be home…
Union soldier during the Civil War, writing from Spotsylvania Courthouse on May 20, 1864, to his daughter, about the many battles he had fought in and the presence of the Confederates in the immediate area. Bauer was a native German speaker and the…
Written on back: "A fast-vanishing art among mountain families in the appalachian mountains, hog-killing was once a way of life. Here they are getting the water hot to scald the hog so the hair will come off. Water temperature is about 155 degrees."