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Gay Student Alliance advertisement
Gay Student Alliance advertisement for a meeting held on September 30, 1976
Gay Student Alliance advertisment for a meeting held in the Squires Student Center Room 340 on October 12, 1976
Gay Student Alliance advertisment for a meeting held in the Squires Student Center Room 340 on October 26, 1976
Gay Student Alliance advertisment for a meeting held in the Squires Student Center Room 315 on November 9, 1976
Gay Student Alliance advertisment for a meeting held in the Squires Student Center Room 336 on January 12, 1977
Gay Student Alliance advertisement for Upcoming Social Events
Gay Student Alliance advertisment for a meeting held in the Squires Student Center Room 328 on January 26, 1977
Gay Student Alliance advertisement for a weekend party
Gay Student Alliance advertisment for a meeting held in the Squires Student Center Room 308 on March 16, 1977
Gay Student Alliance advertisement for a Potluck Dinner held on March 26, 1977
Gay Student Alliance advertisment for a meeting held in the Squires Student Center Room 311 on April 13, 1977
Gay Student Alliance advertisement for a picnic and camping trip
Gay Student Alliance advertisment for a meeting held in he Squires Student Center Room 308 on April 27, 1977
Gay Student Alliance advertisement for a canoe trip on April 30, 1977
Gay Student Alliance advertisement for a Lawn Party and Supper on May 7, 1977
Gay Student Alliance advertisement for a meeting and elections in the Squiers Student Center room 340
Gay Student Alliance meeting advertisement
Gay Student Alliance advertisement for a meeting on The Women's Point of View held on February 15, 1978
Gay Student Alliance advertisement for a meeting on Gay Writers and Literature held on March 1, 1978
Straight Sex Week Coming [printed in the April Fools edition]
Gay People and Friends, "A Community Gathering" being held on October 11, 1978
Gay People and Friends "Gay Roots" held on October 18, 1978
Gay Student Alliance advertisement, "Are you in a Closet?"
Gay People and Friends "Where do We Go from Here?" held on October 25, 1978
Letter to the editor, Gay and Proud
Gay Students Plan Awareness Week
Gay Awareness Week advertisement
Letters to the editor, Gay 'Denim Day' Draws Flak
Letters to the editor, Point-Counter Point: Denim Day and Gay Awareness
Gay People and Friends, "Where do We Go from Here?" held on January 24, 1979
Letters to the editors, Purpose of Denim Day Not a Head Count
Letter to the editor, Gay Issue Overworked
Letter to the editor, Gays Seek Freedom
Letter to the editor, It Is a Sin
The Bible is Specific About Homosexuality
Gay People and Friends, "March on Washington" held on October 3, 1979
Health Concerns of the Gay Community advertisement, talk held in the Squires Student Center room 337 on December 5, 1979
Plane Trip Turns into Unexpected Gay Experience
Letter to the editor, Offended by Fantasy Article
Leters to the editor, Most Pilots Are Not Gay, Unexpected Experience
CSA Bans Denim Day; Gays to Pray Instead
Gay Awareness Week advertisement
Gay Awareness Week advertisement
Gay Student Alliance advertisement for a meeting held on October 8, 1980
Gay Student Alliance advertisement, "Where Do We Stand Today? Lesbian/Gays and the Law" held in the Squires Student Center room 331 on April 22, 1981
Gay Student Alliance and Women's Space advertisement for a free film showing on April 24, 1981
CSA to Consider Funds Distribution
CSA Completes Budget
Sexuality Discussed Openly
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