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  • Tags: Virginia

Hotel Patrick Henry.jpg
Caption on reverse:
Hotel Patrick Henry
Roanoke, Virginia
400 Rooms with Bath, Ceiling Fan, Circulating Ice Water.
Garage direct entrance to Lobby.
Fay M. Thomas, Manager.

Postcard is a Lumitone Photo Print,
This company published highly…

Tazewell VA in snow.jpg
Postcard. Made in Germany.
Postmark illegible.

Drapers Mt Pulaski VA.jpg
Caption on reverse:
To the South and West lies Draper's Valley, named for John Draper, who settled here in 1765. He moved hence from Draper's Meadows (Blacksburg) where his wife was captured by the Indians in the…

St Paul Natl Bank Saint Paul VA.jpg
Postmarked August 26 4PM 1914
Message on reverse:
"Mother dear, it was so muddy today we could not come home but if Friday is a better one we will walk [word obscured] if not please send for me Sat. evening - Love Olive

James A Hagy Wagon co Abingdon.jpg
Postmarked July 1910
Message on back:
"Dear Boy,
You must be good & mind what is told you. How are you getting along any way, are you getting home sick. Write us a card
You Papa W.[?]"

West End Craigen Tunnel, St. Paul, VA.
R.P.O. postmark (railway post office) indicates that this was mailed at a mobile post office. The route and train number are indicated.

Postmarked "Lynch & Norton R.P.O. TR..6, Feb 24 1910"

Addressed to Mrs. S. B. Schomaker, Blue Grass,…

Millboro tunnel Millboro VA.jpg
B & W. Postcard.
Eagle Quality. The Eagle Post Card View Co., N.Y.
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