Photograph of Lunsford L. Lomax

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Photograph of Lunsford L. Lomax


Born Nov. 4, 1835, in Newport, Rhode Island. Received B.S. from U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York, in 1856. Was fellow officer with J. E. B. Stuart in the West until both resigned their commissions in 1861 to serve with the Confederacy. Became Confederate major general. Farmed near Warrenton after the Civil War until appointment as VAMC president at age 50. After being removed from office, worked in Washington, D.C., on compilation of official records of both Confederate and Union armies. Was member of Gettysburg Battlefield Commission. Died May 28, 1913, in Washington, D.C., at age 77.
Source: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Historical Data Book: Centennial Edition, ed.Jenkins Mikell Robertson, Bulletin of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, vol. 65, no. 4, 69.


Historical Photograph Collection, Special Collections and University Archives





Bibliographic Citation

[image name], Historical Photograph Collection, Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.