Civil War Diaries

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Civil War Diaries


civil war


Diaries written by soldiers from both Union and Confederate forces during the Civil War that are part of Virginia Tech Special Collections.



Collection Items

William W. Barnett Diary, 1862 (Ms2012-075)
A diary with one-page entries for the year of 1862. A few pages of memoranda follow on which Barnett has listed miscellaneous clothing expenses and his pay record for the year. The diary describes his time in hospital in January and February, as well…

John H. Hancock Diary, 1862-1863 (Ms2008-008)
The diary of John H. Hancock, who served in Company H, 29th Massachusetts Infantry during the Civil War. The diary entries cover January-June 1862, with a single entry made from Paris, Kentucky on April 1, 1863. Hancock's diary entries relate largely…

H.O. Bacock Diary, 1864 (Ms2003-014)
H.O. Babcock was a farmer and schoolteacher from North Stonington, Connecticut. Diary entries record work, social and church activities, weather, and financial affairs. Also included are comments on the day's political and military affairs,…

William J. Pittenger Diary (Ms2001-064)
The diary of William J. Pittenger, a soldier serving in the 93rd Illinois Infantry and the U. S. Army Signal Corps during the Civil War. The diary's entries span the first half of 1863 through 1864 and touch on such matters as camp life, the U. S.…

Diary, Christian Hook, 1864 (Ms2010-030)
Christian Hook was a Union Corporal in 151st Ohio Infantry (National Guard) during the Civil War. The collection contains his diary of May to August 1864, including entries on camp life and a near-court martial, as well as a reunion flyer for the…

Diary, Henry L. Burnell, 1859-1865 (Ms2013-036)
The diary of Private Henry L. Burnell, Co. "I," 8th Maine Volunteer Infantry, 1859 - 1865. Burnell served in the Union Army from September 7, 1861 until July 22, 1865. Burnell's journal is written in short, often one-line, entries. The war-date…

Diary, Marcus B. Warner, 1864 (Ms2010-061)
Diary written by Marcus B. Warner in 1864. The diary is written in a green Allings & Cory pocket diary. In addition to describing his life as a soldier, Warner also chronicles his previous civilian life and the Union army recruitment process. Writing…

Diary, John R. Maybury, 1864 (Ms2008-044)
This collection contains the Civil War diary of Corporal John R. Maybury of Company L, 10th New York Cavalry. The first entry in the diary (January 1, 1864) finds Maybury encamped in northern Virginia and describing routines of camp life (drilling,…

Diary, Otis Dean, 1864-1865 (Ms2008-010)
This collection contains the diary of Otis Dean, a private in Company E, 56th Massachusetts Infantry during the Civil War. The diary entries begin with January 4, 1865, with Dean listing the uniform and materials issued to him in camp. In very…

Diary, George H. Marshall, 1864-1865 (Ms2008-001)
Civil War diary of George H. Marshall, a soldier in Company K, 113th Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery during the Civil War. The diary contains short entries spanning one year, beginning with Marshall's enlistment on February 24, 1864. The diary's early…

Diary, Stephen R. Kelsey, 1865  (Ms1990-029)
Union soldier in the 5th U.S. Artillery, Battery I, during the Civil War. Papers include a diary written between January and May 1865, while stationed in New York and Virginia. Participated in the occupation of Petersburg, Virginia, in April 1865.…

Diary, Willis A. Babcock, 1864 (Ms2009-129)
Babcock's Civil War diary begins near Washington, D.C., where his company had been since June 1863. While at Fort Carroll, his entries largely contain descriptions of his duties in camp (drills and guard, police, or orderly duties), as well as rare…

Diary, Enoch Stephens, 1865 (Ms2014-001)
Enoch Stephens's diary from his time in the 5th NY Veteran Volunteers from January 1st, 1865 to December 26th, 1865. Most entries describe the weather and the time of daily drills and dress parades, but the diary also documents such events as the…

Alfred L. Mantor Diary, 1864 (Ms2013-074)
the Civil War diary of Alfred Mantor, a corporal (and later sergeant) with C Company of the 27th Massachusetts Infantry. Mantor's diary covers January through April of 1864, shortly before he was killed in action in May. Entries focus on his…

Jacob W. Smiley Diary, 1863-1864 (Ms2012-073)
The diary of Jacob Wallace Smith, a Union sharpshooter with the 7th Company, 1st Battalion, New York Sharpshooters, in the Northern Virginia region.The first few pages of the diary include a brief history of his enlistment. The early entries describe…

Ebenezer E. Mason Diary, 1864-1865 (Ms2012-063)
The diary of Ebenezer E. Mason, a standard leather bound pocket size edition with three dates per page that covers his experiences from January through August 1864 as well as a few entries in February 1865. The entries typically note the weather of…

M. M. Cottingim Diary, 1862 (Ms2012-033)
The diary of M.M. Cottingim between April and October of 1862.In addition to short entries about his regiment's movements and activities, his last few entries make mention of his leg being wounded at Antietam on September 17, its subsequent…

John Holliday Diaries and Photographs, 1864-1865 (Ms2012-028)
Holliday's diaries, the first covering 1 May through 8 August 1864 and the second covering 1 September 1864 through 4 July 1865, begin with the regiment's entry into Virginia's New River Valley and conclude with his return to Ohio at the conclusion…

Henry Squire Diary, 1863 (Ms2011-103)
The 1863 diary of Henry Squire, 72nd New York Infantry and includes entries from January through July. Early entries detail camp life, war news, and in particular, playing baseball and boxing, an inspection by Lincoln, and camp rumors (from March…

James Miles Diary, 1865 (Ms2010-006)
The Civil War diary of James Miles, an enlisted soldier in the 185th Regiment of the New York Infantry. The diary describes soldier life and spans from January to March 1865 until the author was killed in action. Entries include descriptions of…

Diary, Alva Cleveland, 1862 (Ms2009-113)
The diary of Alva Cleveland, a 57-year-old soldier who served as an orderly with the 1st Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry. The diary covers March to July 1862 while Cleveland's regiment was stationed around Nashville, Tennessee, and in northern Alabama.…

Journal, B. H. Johnson, 1863-1864 (Ms2008-093)
The B. H. Johnson Journal is a handwritten account of one year from September 1863 to September 1864 recorded by a Methodist circuit riding minister of eastern Virginia. Some mentioned locations within Virginia are Shiloh, Charlottesville, Salem,…

Diary, Daniel A. Lowber, 1864 (Ms2008-015)
The Civil War diary of Captain Daniel A. Lowber of Company A, 37th Wisconsin Infantry. The diary entries commence with July 25, 1864, with Lowber apparently in transit to his regiment after a temporary furlough. He joins the regiment the day after…

Journal, Frances A. Murdoch, 1861-1863 (Ms2009-132)
A journal maintained by Frances A. 'Fannie' Murdoch, a young woman living on a Mississippi plantation during the Civil War. Containing approximately 90 pages, the journal commences with an entry dated May 29, 1861. The journal is largely…

Diary, Merritt Hager Smith, 1863 (Ms2008-037)
The Civil War diary of Private Merritt Hager Smith of Company G, 97th New York Infantry, a member of the regimental band. The diary entries span the entire year of 1863. The first entry finds Smith receiving orders to proceed to Belle Plain Landing,…

Jacob Cohn Diary, 1864 (Ms2008-002)
The diary of Jacob Cohn, a soldier in Company A, 54th Pennsylvania Infantry during the Civil War. Cohn's brief entries commence with April 14, 1864 and trace his regiment's movements and battles, particularly those at New Market and Piedmont. The…

Diary, Charles H. Bushee, 1863 (Ms2009-055)
Bushee's diary is an account of his duties and the movements of Company E, 112 th Regiment, New York Infantry, from January to mid-November of 1863. Each entry begins with the phrase "1 day for Uncle Sam" and in the cash accounts in the back of the…

Diary, Richard Colburn, 1861-1863 (Ms2010-010)
The Civil War diary of Richard Colburn, an enlisted soldier of the 12th Infantry of the United States Regular Army attached to the Army of the Potomac. The diary contains entries from December 18, 1861 to February 17, 1863 and details camp life,…

Charles L. C. Minor Cash Book and Edward P. Harmon Civil War Diary, 1860-1864 (Ms2008-081)
cash book maintained by Confederate Captain Charles L. C. Minor from 1860 to 1864. Also contained within the cash book's pages are diary entries of Union Army Private Edward P. Harmon (5th Maine Infantry) during May and June, 1864. Research materials…

Diary, Charles O. Poland, 1864 (Ms2008-013)
This is the diary of Charles O. Poland, a private in Company B, 142nd Ohio Infantry (National Guard) during the Civil War, was a resident of Knox County, Ohio. Born around 1836, he was the husband of Angeline Disney (daughter of William A. and Mary…
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