Letter, Nicolle Freni to Rene, London, England, April 7, 2007 (Ms2008-020)

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Letter, Nicolle Freni to Rene, London, England, April 7, 2007 (Ms2008-020)


Letter of condolence from Nicolle Freni to Rene in the Office of Recovery and Support regarding the song "Blacksburg, Virginia" written in response to the April 16, 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech.






Bibliographic Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [identification of item], [box], [folder], Virginia Tech April 16, 2007 Archives of the University Libraries, Ms2008-020, Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.

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Nicolle Freni</br>
7th April 2008</br>
Attn: Rene</br>
Office of Recovery and Support</br>
Virginia Tech</br>
Dear Rene and all at Office of Recovery and Support,</br>
I spoke to Rene the other day to say that I am a writer/songwriter who was moved very much by the tragedy in Virginia Tech, having close family in Virginia, and wrote a song entitled simply 'Blacksburg Virginia.'</br>
The song is going to radio stations in Virginia and to the university in time for the memorial services.</br>
I would appreciate it if you could get it around to wherever it would most likely be played, as I believe the message is important, about gun control, and how vital our children are to us: too vital to leave guns around to kill them, or wars to take them. I hope it will be balm to the soul as the message implores people to think, and change things, and therefore to hope.</br>
With my Warmest Regards and True Sympathy to you all for your community's loss.</br>
Yours faithfully,</br>
Nicolle Freni</br>
(PS The origin of the song and other info is on my website: www.nicollefreni.com)</br>
APR 11 2008</br>