Letter, Dustin Berry and Nicole Aguilar to "Hokie", Undated (Ms2008-020)

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Letter, Dustin Berry and Nicole Aguilar to "Hokie", Undated (Ms2008-020)


Letter of condolence from Dustin Berry and Nicole Aguilar to Virginia Tech.





Bibliographic Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [identification of item], [box], [folder], Virginia Tech April 16, 2007 Archives of the University Libraries, Ms2008-020, Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.

Document Item Type Metadata


Dear Hokie,

Hello. I'm Nicole Aguilar, a film major at the Savannah College of Art and
Design. I am from New Jersey and have many friends that attend VT. A few hours
after the students at my college heard the news of the tragedy at your university, we
were all trying to think of a way to reach out and support your community. My
friend Dustin and I were sitting on the couch that evening and came up with
the idea of making you all a commemoration video. We felt, as art students, this might
bring more hope and pride to you all than an excessive amount of flowers and cards.
So, we got a crew together and made you, what I think, is something that will help
you keep the Hokie spirit your loved ones had, alive. Rather than dwell on what you
lost, reflect on what you have... Hokie spirit and massive support from the nation.
Our entire SCAD community truly admires the strength and pride you have all had
through this rough time. This project was put together for you all to see what an
amazing institution your loved ones were and are still a part of. Dustin and I realize
that nothing will be able to fill the void of what you lost, but we do hope this brings
a little joy to your troublesome times.

Hello, my name is Dustin Berry and I am from Bristol, Tennessee. Being a
film student at the Savannah College of Art and Design and having a brother that
attends Virginia Tech and several friends as well, I was shocked and horrified when
I first heard of the unimaginable event that befell Tech's campus a couple weeks
ago. Immediately my friend Nicole and I were trying to think of the most
appropriate way for us to send our condolences and thoughts to our friends and
loved ones at Virginia Tech. Since we attend an art college, we both felt it would be
most special to display the talent of our student body by creating a commemorative
video showcasing Tech's achievements, traditions, values, and pride which is what
Virginia Tech is credited for nationwide. The goal in mind was to praise
the colleges' best attributes and to help rebuild that strong and powerful Hokie spirit
that is respected and admired by the students at SCAD. We wanted to give words of
encouragement through personal interviews from SCAD students and give a sense
of hope during these days of sadness and loss. But remember just as people are
remembering all around the world, you are the HOKIES, you will prevail, you will
get through this. You have the support and prayers of the students, faculty, and
staff of the SCAD community. So as you watch this small token of our condolences,
keep in mind that Virginia Tech and the Hokie nation is truly an inspiration to us
all and we hold you deep in our hearts and prayers.

Dustin Berry and Nicole Aguilar