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Class LP-30 Diesel Engine No. 556
Class LP-30 Diesel Engine No. 556
Wabash Diesel Engine No. 1009
Wabash Diesel Engine No. 1009
Wabash Diesel Engine No. 1002
Wabash Diesel Engine No. 1002
Wabash Diesel Engine No. 1009
Wabash Diesel Engine No. 1009
Power House, Bluestone
Power House, Bluestone
Wabash Diesel Engine No. 500, Class D-40
Wabash Diesel Engine No. 500, Class D-40
Virginian Diesel Engine No. 114
Virginian Diesel Engine No. 114
Class RS-11 Diesel Engine No. 322
Class RS-11 Diesel Engine No. 322
Class RS-11 Diesel Engine No. 378
Class RS-11 Diesel Engine No. 378
Class RS-11 Diesel Engine No. 378
Class RS-11 Diesel Engine No. 378
Class T-6 Diesel Engine No. 29
Class T-6 Diesel Engine No. 29
Class T-6 Diesel Engine No. 29
Class T-6 Diesel Engine No. 29
Electric Locomotive, Class LC-1, Car #2502
Electric Locomotive, Class LC-1, Car #2502
Electric Locomotive, Class LC-1, Engine No. 2500
Electric Locomotive, Class LC-1, Engine No. 2500
Locomotive Drawing
Locomotive Drawing
Roanoke Passenger Station (Reconstucted)
Roanoke Passenger Station (Reconstucted)
Coal Fired Steam Turbine Electric Drive Locomotive
Coal Fired Steam Turbine Electric Drive Locomotive
Engine 236, Class LP-35
Engine 236, Class LP-35
Virginian Engine 727
Virginian Engine 727
Virginian 600
Virginian 600
Virginina Engine 737
Virginina Engine 737
Virginia & Tennessee Railroad Engine 7
Virginia & Tennessee Railroad Engine 7
Virginia & Tennessee Railway - Bristol
Virginia & Tennessee Railway - Bristol
Steam Engine 300, Winston-Salem Southbound Engine 300
Steam Engine 300, Winston-Salem Southbound Engine 300
Locomotive Drawing
Locomotive Drawing
Steam Engine 710
Steam Engine 710
Roanoke Passenger Station (Reconstructed)
Roanoke Passenger Station (Reconstructed)
Engine 10: One of the first Diesel Locomotives on the N&W at Lynchburg, Virginia
Engine 10: One of the first Diesel Locomotives on the N&W at Lynchburg, Virginia
Diesel Engine 97
Diesel Engine 97
Wabash Railroad Engine 758
Wabash Railroad Engine 758
Wabash Engine 573
Wabash Engine 573
Wabash Engine 700
Wabash Engine 700
Wabash Engine 700
Wabash Engine 700
Diesel Engine 97 at Lynchburg, Virginia
Diesel Engine 97 at Lynchburg, Virginia
Engine 97
Engine 97
Engine 308 in Snow
Engine 308 in Snow
Print of Diesel Engine 314
Print of Diesel Engine 314
Roanoke Passenger Station (Reconstructed)
Roanoke Passenger Station (Reconstructed)
Diesel Engine No.315
Diesel Engine No.315
Diesel Engine No.315
Diesel Engine No.315
Diesel Engine No.321 pulling train, Big Four, West Virginia
Diesel Engine No.321 pulling train, Big Four, West Virginia
Diesel Engine No.114
Diesel Engine No.114
Diesel Engine No.114
Diesel Engine No.114
Diesel Engine No.354
Diesel Engine No.354
Diesel Engine No.377, Lubrication Shed, Bluefield,West Virginia
Diesel Engine No.377, Lubrication Shed, Bluefield,West Virginia
Diesel Engine No.377,Lubrication Shed, Bluefield,West Virginia
Diesel Engine No.377,Lubrication Shed, Bluefield,West Virginia
Diesel Engine No.417
Diesel Engine No.417
Diesel Engine No.740
Diesel Engine No.740
Roanoke Passenger Station (Reconstructed)
Roanoke Passenger Station (Reconstructed)
Diesel Engine No.730 pulling coal train, Singer,Virginia
Diesel Engine No.730 pulling coal train, Singer,Virginia
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