A photograph of a mill-employed nurse administering a shot to another employee, with a line of others waiting behind her.
A photograph of an employee giving blood at a mill-operated blood drive.
A letter from the state of Virginia offering assistance to test Fries residents for hookworm.
A letter sent to the mayor of Fries asking about moving to town to set up shop as a dentist.
A note sent in by an employee explaining their inability to work for several days.
A letter to Dr. Wilmer Hodgson asking him to resign as mill doctor for Fries.
A letter from a doctor at the University of Virginia who came to Fries to help tend flu victims.
A letter from Herbert Neisser, MD, inquiring about a position at the mill.
A suggested template about workplace safety, sent to the Fries Textile Plant.
A letter from a pharmacist in Galax, VA, reporting on unpayed accounts of mill employees for prescription drugs.
A photograph of employees in line to get food in the mill cafeteria, with a "Zero Defects Our Goal" banner in the backround.
A photograph of employees eating in the mill cafeteria, with a "Zero Defects Our Goal" banner in the backround.
Medical care and disease prevention was also under the purview of the mill, and they ensured access to medical professionals for their workers, as well as making sure they had adequate food.