Browse Exhibits (17 total)
Handmade and Heartfelt: Selections from the April 16, 2007 Condolence Archives

Following the events of April 16, 2007, Virginia Tech received thousands of handmade and heartfelt items to express condolences, thoughts and prayers of healing and support, and solace for the Hokie Community. This exhibit, "Handmade and Heartfelt: Selections from the April 16, 2007 Condolence Archives," highlights just a few of the collected items that were made by hand to share the hearts of the world with the Hokie Community.
Sounds of Solace: Audio and audiovisual selections from the April 16, 2007 Condolence Archives

Created for the 16th annual remembrance commemoration in 2023, this exhibit - Sounds of Solace: Audio and audiovisual selections from the April 16, 2007 Condolence Archives - features songs, speeches, and recorded events memorializing the shooting and offering words of hope, solidarity, and grief from around the world.
Pre-World War II Thanksgiving at V.P.I.

Web exhibit version of the 1994 "Pre-World War II Thanksgiving at V.P.I." publication by Col. Harry D. Temple. This publication was produced for the Friends of the Virginia Tech Libraries and was re-created as a digital exhibit in the mid-1990s.
Please note: This exhibit was migrated to Omeka in 2022 from its previous iteration as a web exhibit, first published in 1994. Some images may be of low or limited quality, as they were captured from the previous exhibit and not re-scanned. For the most part, the migrated exhibit has been re-created as close to the original form as Omeka allows. Titles were created for booklet pages, based on the textual content, to enhance navigation.
Celebrating Virginia Tech: A Chronology of 150 Years

Created for the 150th Anniversary of Virginia Tech in Spring 2022, this digital exhibit and its complementary physical exhibit identify important events in Virginia Tech's history illustrated with photographs, artifacts, newsletters, newspaper clippings, oral histories, and more from collections and publications in VT Special Collections and University Archives.
The Words of Children: Selections from the April 16, 2007, Condolence Archives

Created for the 15th annual remembrance commemoration in 2022, "The Words of Children" exhibit features over 150 items sent to the university from children all over the world following the events of April 16th. Items are selected from the April 16, 2007, Condolence Archives, held by VT Special Collections and University Archives. This digital exhibit also includes the memories of those affected by April 16th collected in the April 16, 2007, Oral History Collection. Exhibits are supported by Special Collections and University Archives and the University Libraries.
We Are Better Than We Think: Selections from the April 16, 2007 Condolence Archives

Created for the 14th annual remembrance commemoration in 2021, this exhibit - We Are Better Than We Think: Selections from the April 16, 2007 Condolence Archives - highlights the items Virginia Tech received following the events of April 16th. It features artifacts, children’s letters, poems, and more with messages of love, hope, and peace, most of which have not been displayed for exhibition before.
Indigenous History at Virginia Tech

Unknown Origin: Anonymous gifts in the April 16, 2007 Condolence Archives

Created for the 13th annual remembrance commemoration in 2020, this exhibit - Unknown Origin: Anonymous gifts in the April 16, 2007 Condolence Archives - highlights the messages Virginia Tech received from unknown individuals, organizations, or places following the events of April 16, 2007. It features anonymous donations and gifts of unknown origin, paying homage to those who want to be part of the mourning and recovery process but do not necessarily want to be known.

Starting as a humble log cabin in 1801, Solitude grew to become the home of two Virginia governors, and the home of Robert Preston, who sold the property in 1872 to provide land for the new Virginia land grant college, Virginia Agriculture and Mechanical College, later to be known as Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. It is Virginia Tech's oldest structure, the "homeplace" of the University. Because of its rich historical and architectural heritage, Solitude was placed on the National Register of Historic Places and named a Virginia Historic Landmark in 1989.
An online exhibit on the history of Solitude was originally developed in early 2000. The archived version of the original exhibit is available online here. In 2020, it was migrated to a new platform/format and it was updated to include additional images and new information about digital items already included. The updated exhibit also features a page of additional resources located in Special Collections and University Archives and/or online about the building, its history, and the Preston family.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
125th Anniversary of Virginia Tech

This exhibit was originally created in 1997 to celebrate the 125th anniversary of Virginia Tech.
We are in the process of migrating the individual parts of this exhibit from the previous platform and not all materials are currently accessible here. In the interim, you can view the entirety of the exhibit through the Wayback Machine:
The First International Students at VT

Virginia Tech has had a rich history of international students from its beginnings as Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (VAMC). James Dunsmuir from British Columbia, Canada enrolled in the college in 1874 just two years after VAMC opened in 1872. The timeline, "First International Students at Virginia: By Year" includes the first and early international students from 1874 through the early 1960s.
The map, "First International Students at Virginia Tech: By Country," gives an listing of countries and the names and years of attendance of the first and early students from a particular country.
Help us build the timeline. The University Archives is eager to learn more about the first and early students at Virginia Tech. If you have more information about these students, have noticed that a particular student’s name is missing, or can contribute to our knowledge of students not listed who were the firsts from a particular country, please contact Special Collections and University Archives at We would gratefully receive biographical information, documents, and memorabilia that would help us learn more about these pioneering students at Virginia Tech.
Image from the 1951 Bugle (yearbook)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
History of Women at Virginia Tech

The History of Women at Virginia Tech digital project is a collaborative effort to showcase women’s history at this university through archival documents, photographs, interviews, and more. It also includes an interactive timeline.
This project lives on a separate site:
Denim Day: 40th Anniversary

This exhibit was created as part of the Denim Day 40th Anniversary commemorative events in 2019.
Black History at Virginia Tech

This exhibit explores significant events surrounding the history of the Black community at Virginia Tech and the surrounding areas from the 1770's to today.
Communities of Caring: Community expressions of support in response to the events of April 16, 2007

This exhibit highlights expressions of support Virginia Tech received from communities around the world following the events of April 16, 2007. Created for the 10th anniversary in 2017, the exhibit focuses primarily on those communities outside Blacksburg, Virginia, that reached out to express their solidarity and support of Virginia Tech.
Women's History Month 2016

In honor of Women's History Month 2016, Special Collections created this exhibit of selected items which highlight the contributions and significance of women in a variety of subject areas: local history, architecture, science and technology, Virginia Tech history, literature, and more!
LGBTQ+ History at Virginia Tech

Beginning in fall 2014, faculty and students in the Virginia Tech History Department, University Libraries’ Special Collections, and campus partners including HokiePRIDE, the LGBT Faculty/Staff Caucus, and the Ex Lapide Society (the LGBTQA alumni network at VT) began collecting oral histories to document the history of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer life in the 20th century American South and specifically at Virginia Tech. In addition to collecting oral histories, the project aims to build an archival collection of materials such as correspondence, photographs, publications, reminiscences, and ephemera that will help document LGBTQ+ life at Virginia Tech and in the American South.