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  • Type is exactly "Letters of condolence"

A letter of condolence from an anonymous writer within a hand drawn heart. The letter states, "I wish I could bring some peace to your lives, to help deal with the pain so many of you are suffering through now. To give you some hope, to make you feel…

Letter of condolence from UAB Gospel Choir to Virginia Tech.

Letter of condolence from Vance Thurston to Virginia Tech Admissions Office.

Letter of condolence from Michelle Swonder, Theatre Arts, Kalamazoo College (on behalf of the college) to Virginia Tech President Charles W. Steger.

"Sallie Z. A.S.P. Sends Their Love" handmade condolence book bound with red ribbons, Sallie Zetterower Elementary, Statesboro, GA, 2007-04-18

Letter of condolence from the Student Council Association, Williamsburg Middle School to Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund, Virginia Tech.

Letter of condolence from Timothy S. Stevens to Zenobia Hikes.

Letter of condolence from Tico St. John to Virginia Tech.

Metal angel made by Shawn Roberge with accompanying letter.

Letter of condolence from Jimmy Pearson to Virginia Tech.

Letter of condolence from Chad Patterson to Virginia Tech Students, Faculty, and Administrators.

Letter of condolence from Whitney Olsen to Virginia Tech President Charles W. Steger, Jr.

Letter of condolence from Ian Noe to Virginia Tech.

Email from Frank Jordan to Zenobia Hikes regarding the song "Children of April" written in response to the April 16, 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech.

Letter of condolence from Frank Jordan to the Virginia Tech Dean of Students

Letter of condolence from Lewis R. Hauser and Robert W. Grimm to Virginia Tech Office of Recovery and Support.

Letter of condolence from Philadelphia University President James P. Gallagher to Virginia Tech President Charles W. Steger, Jr.

Letter of condolence from Nicolle Freni to Rene in the Office of Recovery and Support regarding the song "Blacksburg, Virginia" written in response to the April 16, 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech.

Letter of condolence from Michael E. Eyster, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs, University of Oregon, to Virginia Tech President Charles W. Steger.

Letter from Jonathan A. Duerr to Elizabeth A. Flanagan, Vice President for Development & University Relations, regarding the song "Time of the Season" written in response to the April 16, 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech. Since Jonathan was legally a…

Letter from Ronald Doughty to Pam regarding the song "Virginia's Pain" written in response to the April 16, 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech.

Letter of condolence from Edwin E. Darling to John H. Hussar, Jr., Music Department, Virginia Tech, regarding the song "Shine Through Our Tears".

Letter of condolence from Phillip M. Church to Virginia Tech President Charles W. Steger, Jr.

Handmade card and poem titled "A Child Loaned" from the female inmates of Cambridge Springs Prison.

Letter of condolence from Lawrence E. Bethune to Dean Jerry Niles, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.

Letter of condolence from Dustin Berry and Nicole Aguilar to Virginia Tech.

Letter from Anthony V. Bardo to Megan L. Armbruster, Recovery Coordinator, Virginia Tech Office of Recovery & Support, regarding the song "33 Gone" written by Bardo and performed by The Fabulous Dialtones in response to the April 16, 2007 shootings.

Letter of condolence from Randy Alcorn to Virginia Tech President Charles W. Steger, Jr.
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